- FICO® Score 8 based on your Equifax credit data
- 24/7 FICO® Score and credit monitoringImportant information 2
- Free Equifax credit report every month
No credit card requiredImportant information 2
90% of Top Lenders Use FICO® Scores
No credit card requiredImportant information 2
No credit card requiredImportant information 2
1. Not all credit report data or transactions are monitored. Monitored credit report data, monitored credit report data change alerts, FICO® Score updates, FICO® Score alerts, monitored transactions, and alert triggers, timing and frequencies vary by credit bureau. Other limitations apply. Learn more.
2. Your subscription will automatically renew monthly at $0 for Free Plan, unless canceled. You or we may cancel at any time. All subscriptions include a FICO® Score 8, and may include additional FICO® Score versions. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than the versions you receive from myFICO, or another type of credit score altogether. Learn more.
3. Not all credit report data or transactions are monitored. Monitored credit report data, monitored credit report data change alerts, FICO® Score updates, FICO® Score alerts, monitored transactions, and alert triggers, timing and frequencies vary by credit bureau. Other limitations apply. Learn more.
7. Your subscription will automatically renew monthly at $0 for Free Plan, unless canceled. You or we may cancel at any time. All subscriptions include a FICO® Score 8, and may include additional FICO® Score versions. Your lender or insurer may use a different FICO® Score than the versions you receive from myFICO, or another type of credit score altogether. Learn more
8. Not all credit report data or transactions are monitored. Monitored credit report data,monitored credit report data change alerts, FICO® Score updates, FICO® Score alerts, monitored transactions, and alert triggers, timing and frequencies vary by credit bureau. Other limitations apply. Learn more.