What are the Financial Milestones of Romance?
, by Rob Kaufman
Money is a personal thing. With a new romantic partner, discussing finances can be difficult. When do you tell them about your debt - past or present? When should you discuss your credit scores? When should you even consider lending them money or talking about your financial goals?
Since every relationship is different, everyone's timeline is also different. The Ascent newsletter from The Motley Fool did a survey of over 1,000 people to find out their opinions about finances and relationships. If you're in a relationship, some of these statistics may surprise you... others may not.
The most desired financial trait in a partner is...
Not wealth, as you might assume. No, 70.7% of respondents hoped that their partner would set financial goals. So, it appears that wealth and status aren't as valued as financial ambition and goal setting. As a matter of fact, a high salary was valued as the most desired financial trait by just 32.6% of participants.
What came in second? 70.6% wanted their partner to have full-time employment. Third? A partner who follows a budget (70.4%). Some of the other important traits included:
65.4% - makes payments on time
63.3% - saves a percentage of each paycheck
59.9% - has an emergency fund
54.4% - pays monthly credit card balance in full
And the least most important financial trait? 9.5% want their partner to be a generous spender.
Desired financial traits by gender
Now, let's take the traits most valued by a partner and split them up by gender. Are any of these surprising to you?
Top 5 financial traits most important to WOMEN. They want a partner who:
Has full-time employment
Sets financial goals
Follows a budget
Is financially independent
Has a savings account
Top 5 financial traits most important to MEN. They want a partner who:
Sets financial goals
Follows a budget
Has full-time employment
Makes on-time payments
Is financially independent
Four out of five of these traits are in the top 5 for both men and women. The only difference was that women value their partner having a savings account (not on the men's list) and men want their partner to make on-time payments. What matters most to you? Do these top 5 even make your list?
Desired financial traits by generation
How do age differences affect the importance of a partner's financial traits? We'll list the top 5, most to least important, by generation:
Sets financial goals
Follows a budget
Has full-time employment
Is financially independent
Makes on-time payments
Generation X:
Has full-time employment
Is financially independent
Sets financial goals
Follows a budget
Saves a percentage of each paycheck
Baby Boomers:
Has a savings account
Makes on-time payments
Is financially independent
Has an emergency fund
Follows a budget
Although many of these factors are the same throughout each category, you can easily see the difference in priorities from an age perspective. Which category are you in? Do your priorities match the respondents of the survey?
Marriage milestones... from a financial perspective
So, how long does it take for married couples to reach certain financial milestones? For instance: when do they share online bank information or establish an emergency fund together? When do they merge finances or start a college fund for their children? Here's what the survey showed about marriage and money - from the shortest timeframe to the longest...
Created joint budget spreadsheet 1 year, 3 months
Moved in together 1 year, 6 months
Shared online bank information 1 year, 10 months
Purchased a big-ticket item 2 years
Established an emergency fund 2 years, 2 months
Merged finances 2 years, 3 months
Planned for retirement 2 years, 4 months
Started college fund for their children 2 years, 6 months
Again, every relationship is different. If your values or timeframes differ from those in the survey, it doesn't mean they're wrong or right. It just means that you and your partner know what's best for your relationship - now and in the long run.
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